Yankirri Jukurrpa (Emu Dreaming) – Ngarna

Men of the Jampijinpa/Jangala skin groups and women of the Nampijinpa/Nangala skin groups are the ‘kirda’ (custodians) for the Emu Yankirri Jukurrpa (emu Dreaming) at Ngarna. Ngarna is an important men’s ceremonial place and much of the story is kept secret from the uninitiated. Emus survive on a diet of native vegetation found in the area, including the ‘yakajirri’ (bush currant [Solanum centrale]) and ‘mukaki’ (plumbush [Santalum lanceolatum]).In Warlpiri paintings traditional iconography is used to represent the Jukurrpa and other elements. This painting depicts Yankirri going to the Ngarna site, leaving the water hole after having a drink of water. Ngarna is located to the south of Yuendumu.