Health Projects

Remote Dialysis

In 2009 Warlukurlangu Artists contributed funds to the Western Desert Dialysis organisation to enable them to employ a Project Manager to establish a remote dialysis unit in Yuendumu. This was prompted by the urgent need for dialysis by one of the well loved senior artists. Additional money for this project was raised by the sale of art works at a fundraising event at Government House in Canberra organized by Warlukurlangu Artists and the Canberra Medical Society.

Ear Health

In 2007 a group of twenty Yuendumu children who had ruptured ear drums due to chronic, recurring ear infections had surgery. Warlukurlangu Artists teamed up with the Canberra Medical Society and WYNN Health to organize this. Newmont Australia also donated funds which helped to take the kids on a post operative trip to Uluru and Kings Canyon.

Eye Health

In 2005 and 2006, with the generous assistance of the Canberra Medical Society, two groups of artists travelled to Canberra for cataract operations. This initiative saved the sight of a number of senior artists, prolonging their painting careers and most importantly improving their every day quality of life. And with the assistance of the Canberra Medical Society, Warlukurlangu has organised for a number of artists to travel interstate for other urgent specialised medical care.


The health projects would not have been possible without the generous support of:

  • ActewAGL
  • Alcon Laboratories
  • Bausch and Lomb which donated the lenses for the cataract operations
  • Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals
  • Canberra Medical Society
  • Griffith Art Framing, Griffith ACT,
  • Newmont Mining Corporation
  • Pfizer Pharmaceuticals
  • Voyages Resorts