Theresa Napurrurla Ross
Theresa Napurrurla Ross is the daughter of Peggy Morton but she was raised by Tess Napaljarri Ross, a full time artist with the Warlukurlangu Artists and her husband, Jack Jakamarra Ross (1992 – 2004), one of the founding artists of the art centre. Theresa grew up in Yuendumu, an Aboriginal settlement 290 kms north-west of Yuendumu. She attended Yuendumu High School and after leaving school Theresa married her husband and had two daughters, Kara and Michaela. Kara lives in Yuendumu and also paints regularly for the art centre. Theresa has been working with Warlukurlangu Artists Aboriginal Corporation, an Aboriginal owned and governed art centre located in Yuendumu, since 2005. She consistently paints her Pamapardu Jukurrpa (Flying Ant Dreaming) from her father’s side. As a young girl she would sit with Jack Ross and watch him paint his dreaming stories, in particular, his Pamapardu Jukurrpa which he passed down to her. These Dreamings relate directly to the land, its features and the plants and animals that inhabit it. At one time Theresa worked at Yuendumu School doing administration work and when there was a bank at Yuendumu, she also worked there. When young she enjoyed playing softball and basketball but these days she likes to paint and play with her grandchildren.