Wardapi Jukurrpa (Goanna Dreaming) – Yarumayi
The Wardapi Jukurrpa (goanna [Varanus gouldii] Dreaming) comes from an area to the east of Yuendumu called Yarumayi, a place important for its ochre deposits and as a site for collecting ceremonial stones. The custodians of the Wardapi Jukurrpa are Nungarrayi/Napaljarri women and Jungarrayi/Japaljarri men. This story tells of the return of the custodians of this Dreaming to collect ceremonial stones that represent the ‘ngipiri’ (eggs) of the ‘wardapi’ ancestors in their ceremonies.In contemporary Warlpiri paintings traditional iconography is used to represent the Jukurrpa, particular sites and other elements. This painting depicts ‘wardapi’ ancestors returning home to their sacred site. Concentric circles can illustrate ‘wardapi’ holes and the droppings they leave while ‘wardapi’ tracks are usually represented by ‘W’ or rounded shapes.